Defoliation and mortality caused by western spruce budworm: variability in a Douglas-fir stand


  • R. I. Alfaro Pacific Forest Research Centre Canadian Forestry Service Agriculture Canada Victoria B.C.
  • T. L. Shore Pacific Forest Research Centre Canadian Forestry Service Agriculture Canada Victoria B.C.
  • E. Wegwitz Pacific Forest Research Centre Canadian Forestry Service Agriculture Canada Victoria B.C.


western spruce budworm, <i>Choristoneura occidentalis</i>, Douglas-fir, <i>Pseudotsuga menziesii</i>


Variation in Douglas-fir (<i>Pseudotsuga menziesii</i> [Mirb.] Franco) defoliation and mortality caused by the western spruce budworm (<i>Choristoneura occidentalis</i> [Freeman]) was measured in sequential annual surveys of a stand near Pemberton, British Columbia. The implications of this variability in designing defoliation and mortality surveys is discussed.


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