The marsh crane fly, <i>Tipula paludosa</i> Mg., a new pest in British Columbia (Diptera: Tipulidae)


  • A. T. S. Atkinson Research Station Research Branch Canada Department of Agriculture Vancouver, B.C.
  • H. R. MacCarthy Research Station Research Branch Canada Department of Agriculture Vancouver, B.C.


marsh crane fly, <i>Tipula paludosa</i>, Diptera, Tipulidae


<i>Tipula paludosa</i> Meigen was firmly established in the Vancouver area by 1965, starting in the eastern outskirts of the city. It was taken at Blaine, Wash., in 1966. By 1967 the pest had spread to the Chilliwack area. Populations of 110 ft2 were measured in 1966 and local observations were recorded of damage, oviposition, feeding, growth, and emergence. A review is included of European literature on populations, life history, weather relations, and biological, chemical and cultural controls with some speculation on the future.


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