Vol. 121 (2024): Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia

					View Vol. 121 (2024): Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia

The JESBC is a peer reviewed, volunteer-run, open-access journal covering all aspects of entomological research and scholarship in and relevant to British Columbia and nearby jurisdictions. The journal has been published continuously since 1906 and is current published once per year.

Editor-in-Chief: Dezene Huber (University of Northern British Columbia)

Subject editors: Joel Gibson (Royal BC Museum), Bob Lalonde (UBC-Okanagan), Bo Staffan Lindgren (University of Northern British Columbia), Lorraine Maclauchlan (BC Ministry of Forests), Robert McGregor (Douglas College), Steve Perlman (University of Victoria), Marla Schwarzfeld (Canadian National Collection)

Copy editor: Monique Keiran

Layout editor: Alicja Muir

Copyright© 2024 by the Entomological Society of British Columbia – Open Access.

Published: 2025-01-06