The occurrence and control of the bruce spanworm in the Okanagan Valley, 1972


  • R. D. McMullen Research Station Agriculture Canada Summerland, B.C.


Bruce spanworm, Operophtera bruceata, fruittree leafroller, <i> Archips argyrospilus</i>


A minor outbreak of the Bruce spanworm, <i>Operophtera bruceata</i> (Hulst), occurred in fruit orchards of the Okanagan Valley in 1972. The heaviest infestations were limited to orchards where prebloom sprays for the fruittree leafroller,<i> Archips argyrospilus</i> (Walker), were neglected for two or more seasons. Prebloom applications of azinphosmethyl, diazinon or endosulfan at tight cluster bud to pink bud stage on apple gave good control. Apple, pear, cherry, apricot and plum were attacked.


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