Introduction to Organic Gardening, by C. Pendergast; How to Grow Food Organically, by G. Null and staff; Organic Gardening Without Poisons, by H. Tyler; The Basic Book of Organic Gardening, by R. Rodale; Good Food Naturally, by J.B. Harrison.


  • H. R. MacCarthy


Pendergast, C. 1971. Introduction to Organic Gardening. Nash Publishing, Los Angeles. 167 pp.

Null, G. and staff. 1972. How to Grow Food

Organically. Leisure Books, Inc., New York. 278 pp.

Tyler, H. 1972. Organic Gardening Without Poisons. Pocket Books, Simon & Schuster, New York. 224 pp.

Rodale, Robert, Ed. 1971. The Basic Book of Organic Gardening. Ballantyne Books, Inc., New York. 377 pp.


