Efficacy of insecticides against geometrid larvae, <i>Operophtera</i> spp., on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia


  • N. V. Tonks Saanichton Research Station Agriculture Canada Sidney, B.C.
  • P. R. Everson Saanichton Research Station Agriculture Canada Sidney, B.C.
  • T. L. Theaker Saanichton Research Station Agriculture Canada Sidney, B.C.


<i>Operophtera</i> spp.


Permethrin, acephate, diazinon, malathion, endosulfan , methoxychlor , Imidan, naled and a spray containing surfactant only were the most effective treatments for control of winter moth, <i>Operophtera brumata</i> (L. ), and Bruce spanworm, <i>O. bruceata</i> (Hulst), on apple in the tight cluster bud stage. Resmethrin, trichlorfon, and Dipel and Thuricide formulations of <i>Bacillus thuringiensis</i> were less effective. The growth disruptor, Dimilin, provided good control at the pink bud stage. At this same stage, sprays with surfactant only were no better than untreated controls.


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