<i>Brachycolus asparagi</i> Mordvilko, a new aphid pest damaging asparagus in British Columbia


  • A. R. Forbes Research Station Agriculture Canada Vancouver, B.C.


<i>Brachycolus asparagi</i>, asparagus


The aphid <i>Brachycolus asparagi</i> Mordvilko was identified from asparagus at Summerland, B.C., in 1979. In 1980 and 1981, this aphid damaged asparagus throughout the asparagus-growing areas of the Okanagan as far north as Armstrong. Feeding by the aphid causes a severe rosetting of the ferns and weakens the plant.


Angalet, G.W. and N.A. Stevens. 1977. The natural enemies of Brachycolus asparagi in New Jersey and Delaware. Env. Ent. 6(1):97-lO0.

Capinera, J.L. 1974. Damage to asparagus seedlings by Brachycolus asparagi. J. Econ. Ent. 67(3):447-448.

Cone, W.W. Washington State University, Prosser, WA. Personal communication.

Leonard, M.D. 1971. A second supplement to a list of aphids of New York (Homoptera: Aphididae). Search Agric. 1(12):1-31; 6-7.

Morse, F.W. 1916. A chemical study of the asparagus plant. Mass. Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 171:265-296.

Plant Pest Control Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1970. A new aphid on asparagus. FAO PI. Prot. Bull. 18(4):93.


