Survey using pheromone traps, of <i>Gnathotrichus sulcatus</i> (Col: Scolytidae) in two Vancouver Island dryland sorting areas


  • J. A. McLean Faculty of Forestry University of British Columbia Vancouver, B.C.


pheromone traps, <i>Gnathotrichus sulcatus</i>, Coleoptera, Scolytidae


Forty-eight traps baited with the aggregation pheromone, sulcatol, were placed in two dryland sorting areas on Vancouver Island, B.C. during 1977. A late-summer peak flight of the ambrosia beetle <i>Gnathotrichus sulcatus</i>, was recorded in both areas. Trap sites with the greatest catches of <i>G. sulcatus</i> showed where suppression traps would be most effective.


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