Western Cherry Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae): Efficacy of Homemade and Commercial Traps


  • A. K. Burditt Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory Agriculture Research Service U .S. Department of Agriculture Yakima, WA 98902


Populations of western cherry fruit flies (WCFF), Rhagoletis indifferens Curran, were monitored at weekly intervals during the flight periods from 19R2 through 1985 in an unsprayed experimental orchard planting near Moxee, Washington. Yellow Pherocon AM (apple maggot) traps usually caught more WCFF than McPhail , Rebell and other traps tested. Most of the traps also caught large numbers of other species of flies, which obscured the presence of WCFF. A bell-shaped trap constructed from the top of a plastic soft drink bottle, painted saturn yellow and baited with the Pherocon AM bait caught the largest numbers of WCFF but very few other species of flies.
