Comparative Larval Growth of the Variegated Cutworm, <i>Peridroma saucia</i>, from a Laboratory Colony and a Wild Population


  • Greg S. Salloum Department of Plant Science University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC V6T 2A2
  • Murray B. Isman Department of Plant Science University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC V6T 2A2


Larval growth of variegated cutwormS from a laboratory colony (maintained for over 12 generations) was compared with that of the F1 generation of field-collected larvae on an artificial medium. After eleven days of feeding , larvae from the wild population weighed, on average, over three times as much as those from the laboratory colony. However, when larvae from each population were reared on media spiked with an inhibitory plant extract, the degree of growth inhibition relative to their respective controls was equivalent.
