Vol. 119 (2022): Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia

					View Vol. 119 (2022): Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia

Fingered dagger moth (Acronicta insita Walker, 1856) enjoying morning dew at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) in Prince George, British Columbia. As adults, these moths are characterized by a dagger-like pattern on their wings, but larvae of this species display vibrant orange hairs and striking black tufts. This caterpillar was found beside a trail in Forests for the World, which serves as both a demonstration forest to the university and a park to the community as a whole.

Photo taken by Mackenzie Howse on 23-SEPT-2021 through a 10x magnification loupe held up to an iPhone 8.

The Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia is published annually by the Society 

Copyright© 2022 by the Entomological Society of British Columbia

The contents of this journal are Open Access. 

Designed and typeset by Alicja Muir

Published: 2023-03-24